How To Stay Connected
9 items
Speaker: Minister Justin K. Young
Title: How To Stay Connected
Scripture References: Romans 12:9-21; Luke 22:31-32; Matthew 14:22-31; 1 Peter 1:3-8;13-16Intent: To help us to stay connected.
Purpose: To strengthen our togetherness.
Goal: To manifest the love of God in our relati...
One Body
24 items
Speaker: Bishop John A. Cherry, II
Scripture References: Ephesians 4:1-6; Romans 12:1-2; 4-8
Intent: To remind us that we are connected.
Purpose: To re-establish our togetherness.
Goal: For us to manifest the love of God in our relationship with one another.
Objective – To remind us of who ...
One Body, Many Members
3 items
Speaker: Minister Justin K. Young
One Body, Many Members
Scripture References: Acts 2:42-47; 15:36-41; II Timothy 4:9-11; I Timothy 6:12Intent: For us to see value in every member.
Purpose: To add to the church through restoration.
Goal: To be one body with many members who seek...
2022 General Church Meeting Opening Service
3 items
Speaker: Bishop John A. Cherry, II
Why Us, Why Now?
Scripture References: II Corinthians 5:14-15; Romans 8:17; Matthew 7:13-14; Ephesians 2:1-10
Intent: To set our heart condition as a church.
Purpose: To live outside our own interest.
Goal: We do not fail in the assignment of God. -
What Makes Us One?
9 items
Speaker: Reverend Reuben L. Monmouth, III
Scripture References: Ephesians 4:1-6; Romans 12:1-8; 1 Corinthians 12:12-16; 25-27
Intent: To remind us that we are one.
Purpose: To re-emphasize who we are and what we believe
Goal: That we are strengthened in our relationship with God and wit... -
This Is Love
27 items
Speaker: Bishop John A. Cherry, II
Intent: For us to understand the love of Christ.
Purpose: For us to walk in love.
Goal: To manifest the love of God.Objective – To shape our attitude and actions in seven ways:
(1) Toward our enemy
(2) Toward giving
(3) Toward being just
(4) To be kin... -
Turning the Other Cheek
9 items
Speaker: Reverend Justin K. Young
Scripture References: Matthew 5:38-42; Luke 23:33-43
Intent: For us to understand the love of Christ.
Purpose: To walk in Jesus’ teachings.
Goal: To manifest the love of Christ under difficult circumstances.Objective – To teach us:
(1) What it mean... -
Changing My Mind
21 items
Speaker: Bishop John A. Cherry, II
Scripture References: Romans 12:1-2
Intent: To help us.
Purpose: To challenge and change our thoughts.
Goal: To live out the Will of God for our lives.Objective – To teach us:
(1) What needs to change
(2) We can change our mind
(3) To allow the Hol... -
How To Move Forward
30 items
Scripture References: Romans 3:13-14
Intent: To help us.
Purpose: For us to glorify God, to remain in HIs Will, and to mature.Goal: For us to reach the mark.
Objective – To teach us how to move forward.
1. From our old life.
2. From loss (especially death)
3. From disappointments
4. When... -
How To Move Forward Through Humility
2 items
Pastor Reginald D. Covington
How to Move Forward Through Obedience
2 items
Pastor Terence J. Jennings
How to Move Forward Through Service
2 items
Pastor Michael R. White
Understanding Who We Are
9 items
Scripture References: Philippians 3:13-14; 2 Corinthians 4:1-10; Judges 2:6-12
Intent: To make the vision visible.
Purpose: To understand the vision we are building on.
Objective – To compare the From the Heart Church with the church at Philippi.
Goal: Two-fold: (1) To ... -
Valuing Our Fellow Co-Laborers
3 items
Scripture References: Philippians 2:19-30
Intent: To raise our awareness and appreciation for those God has sent and will send into this Vineyard.
Purpose: To teach us how to value those who are precious to God.
Goal: To help ensure generational success.Objective – To lay out a ...
Establishing Principled Houses
7 seasons
Scripture References: Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Intent: To establish our houses based on the Seven Spiritual Principles of God.
Purpose: Two-fold: (1) To make sure that our house is our priority. (2) To ensure that our houses are successful spiritually and naturally
Goal: To prov... -
Lifting Up A Standard For This World
15 items
Scripture References: John 17:15-21
Intent: To encourage us to consistently conform to the standard of Jesus Christ.
Purpose: To encourage us to manifest what we have been taught in our everyday living.Goal: That Jesus is lifted up and that all men are drawn unto Him.
How To Live In This World
4 seasons
Scripture References: John 17:9-21
Intent: To protect us from the evil of this world.
Purpose: To sanctify us with truth.
Goal: To actualize our Vision in this world in which we live.
Objective - To teach us:
(1) What the world is.
(2) What is the world in whic...